Lifestyle Medicine
The Health Equity Achieved through Lifestyle Medicine (HEAL) Initiative was created by American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) health equity clinician advocates to address lifestyle-related chronic disease health disparities. Through HEAL, our mission is to improve health care disparities through lifestyle medicine strategies and a focus on four priority areas.

What is the HEAL Initiative?
The Health Equity Achieved through Lifestyle Medicine (HEAL) Initiative was created by American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) health equity clinician advocates to address lifestyle-related chronic disease health disparities. Through HEAL, our mission is to improve health care disparities through lifestyle medicine strategies and a focus on four priority areas.
Equipping Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and Community Health Centers (CHCs) clinicians with free lifestyle medicine education (ACLM’s “Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine & Food as Medicine Essentials” course bundle) to help treat historically medically underserved patients who are disproportionately impacted by chronic disease.
Recognizing the importance of diversifying the lifestyle medicine workforce, we partner with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) to establish Lifestyle Medicine Interest Groups (LMIGs) introducing the next generation of underrepresented in medicine (UIM) health care clinicians to the six pillars of lifestyle medicine.
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) play a prominent role in empowering Black students worldwide. The cultural context embedded in the fabric of the curriculum at HBCUs offers students a rich learning experience, one that equips them for lifesaving careers that usually impact people who look like them. We want our HBCU partners to play a significant role in healing the communities they influence.
Establish a Lifestyle Medicine Interest Group (LMIG) at your HBCU.
- LMIGs are student-driven, faculty-supported clubs on campus that cultivate multi-institutional, interdisciplinary programming and support healthy habits for students, faculty, as well as the local community. Currently, more than 80 LMIGs have been established at higher education institutions across the country. Visit to apply for an upcoming orientation cohort and download the toolkit.
Taste of Lifestyle Medicine Micro-Grants introduce and advance lifestyle medicine on medical or health professional and health system campuses. Any U.S. medical or health professions student or faculty member interested in hosting a non-commercial lifestyle medicine educational event may apply for a grant to support the purchase of whole-food plant-based foods or ingredients for their event. Eligible individuals may apply for $50-250 per event, up to 4 times per year ($1000 annually).
Fostering and modeling relationships and exchange of ideas across sectors to create health equity solutions.
Hundreds of health equity interdisciplinary advocates and ACLM members from a myriad of specialties connect monthly to discuss unique and effective ways to reach medically underserved communities experiencing health care access issues, food insecurity, and other social determinants of health that impede on their ability to live healthy lifestyles.
ACLM’s member-only implementation briefs include innovative lifestyle medicine intervention models transforming health care outcomes for under-resourced patient populations. In addition, ACLM resources provide detailed examples of lifestyle medicine solutions as an evidenced-based approach to addressing health disparities.
Read the intelligence brief “The Potential of Lifestyle Medicine as a High-Value Approach to Address Health Equity” This paper will 1) evaluate the promise of, and need for, health equity; 2) explain what lifestyle medicine is and why it is high- value care; 3) share how provider organizations can deliver lifestyle medicine both through their own processes and through community partnerships; and 4) present some of the challenges to widespread adoption of lifestyle medicine and how those challenges can be addressed.
Lifestyle Medicine Interventions in Underserved Communities Continue to Improve Health Outcomes
Innovative approaches and strategic collaborations with community resources increase access to lifestyle medicine solutions for patient populations at a higher risk for lifestyle-related chronic disease.
Download Tools
Tools and resources were created by ACLM to help fulfill our vision of making Lifestyle Medicine the foundation of a transformed and sustainable system of health care, we hope you’ll benefit from the following complimentary resources. ACLM members also have exclusive access to a variety of free tools and resources that continue to grow. JOIN TODAY. From LM assessment forms, to PowerPoint presentations, to reimbursement roadmaps, and pediatric tools, you’ll be sure to find the resources you need to bring LM to the network of people you impact.
HDSS Summit
The inaugural Health Disparities Solutions Summit (HDSS) was held virtually in late 2020. The Summit convened physicians, faith-based leaders, academics, and community organizers to identify expert consensus and recommended action steps specific to addressing health disparities through the lens of lifestyle medicine. The resulting paper provides background on the realities of health disparities in the United States, introduces the entrance point of lifestyle medicine (LM) practice in the struggle for health equity, and summarizes Summit proceedings and recommended action steps.
ACLM has committed over $2 million in matching funds to train and certify, at minimum, one physician within each of the 1,400 Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) organizations across the United States.
Innovative approaches and strategic collaborations with community resources increase access to lifestyle medicine solutions for patient populations at a higher risk for lifestyle-related chronic disease.
What are Health Disparities?
Health disparities are the differences in health outcomes between populations, particularly those that are historically medically under-resourced. One of the most common manifestations of health disparities is in the higher prevalence of lifestyle-based chronic diseases, exacerbated by disparities in the drivers of health, also known as social determinants of health (SDoH).
Issues such as – food insecurity, food deserts, transportation challenges, poverty, and others – heavily influence the health behavior choices available to people. The decisions they ultimately make can contribute to the development and progression of chronic disease.
Health equity is when everyone has the opportunity to be as healthy as possible.
African Americans are 51% more likely to be obese compared to non-Hispanic Whites. African American women have the highest rates of obesity or being overweight compared to other groups in the United States. About 4 out of 5 African American women are overweight or obese.
Native American adults are twice as likely to be diagnosed with diabetes than non-Hispanic white adults and Black and Hispanic adults are also at increased risk (60% and 70%, respectively).
Hispanic adults diagnosed with diabetes are twice as likely to develop end-stage renal disease as a result and Black people with diabetes are four times more likely to have a resulting amputation.
African Americans have the highest mortality rate for all cancers combined compared with any other racial and ethnic group.
HEAL Leadership
HEAL leaders support ACLM in its efforts to offer lifestyle medicine education, especially to those who are serving historically medically underserved patients. Each leader has laudable experience and has demonstrated their passion for health equity and lifestyle medicine.
David Bowman, MD, DipABLM
Qadira Ali, MD, MPH, FAAP, DipABLM
Daphne Bascom, MD, PhD
HEAL Scholarship Program
Achieving a diverse lifestyle medicine workforce is essential. This scholarship awards underrepresented in medicine (URM) clinicians with need-based scholarships to assist with the costs of attaining certification in lifestyle medicine. This opportunity is open to applicants practicing in the United States.
Full (100%) scholarships cover certification expenses that include:
- ABLM/ACLM Board Certification Exam fees
- Approved CME through the Lifestyle Medicine Board Review Course
- ACLM Annual Conference Virtual attendance
- One year of ACLM Membership
HEAL Member Interest Group
Join the Conversation
The HEAL Membership Interest Group is comprised of an array of health professionals across specialties, that are dedicated to working together to address lifestyle-related chronic disease health disparities.
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Not a member? Join our network of lifestyle medicine clinicians.
In Person & Online
Save the Date | November 16 – 19, 2025
The Gaylord Texan, Dallas/Fort Worth
Every Fall, ACLM hosts the premier continuing education event focused on lifestyle medicine – the therapeutic dose of proper nutrition, regular physical activity, social connection, restorative sleep, stress management, and avoidance of risky substances.