Lifestyle Medicine (LM) Program Certification

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Lifestyle Medicine (LM) Program Certification

The LM Program Certification is a designation that can be awarded to structured programs that use a consistent protocol. While these programs may nest within clinics, departments, individual practices, or health systems, the designation is specific to the program and not a surrounding  entity.

The Program Certification designation is not for clinics, departments, individual practices, or health systems.

Practices or health systems that wish to grow their LM knowledge and alignment should consider having staff join as individual members of ACLM, as well as pursuing individual Certification of staff in LM through the American College of Lifestyle Medicine or the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine, as appropriate.

The Program Certification is divided into two tracks – LM Treatment Programs and LM Education Programs. The requirements for each are similar but slightly different, and are presented below.

If you would like to ask more questions about the requirements, please email ACLM Sr. Dir. of Research Dr. Micaela Karlsen at

Download this Word document containing the application questions, which you can use to prepare your responses.

Download this PDF of minimum requirements and program certification overview.

Pivio Logo Tm With Tagline Rgb Red Blk 003

Pivio is a powerful disease reversal tool that disrupts and curtails the rising chronic disease rates in a highly effective manner. We congratulate the program as the first to earn this prestigious designation. – ACLM Past-President Dexter Shurney, MD, MBA, MPH, FACLM, DipABLM. Pivio – The Complete Health Improvement Program – Pivio (

Chanwuyi Logo 600x272

ACLM is proud to recognize the Chanwuyi Lifestyle Medicine Program as a Certified Lifestyle Medicine Program. We celebrate the impact and outcomes Dr. Chan has been able to document. – ACLM Past President Cate Collings, MD, MS, FACC, DipABLM Home | Chanwuyi Lifestyle Medicine Program (

The Lift Project Logo 300

The Lift Project contains insights that benefit everyone, regardless of where they are on the mental health continuum. ACLM is proud to recognize The Lift Project as a Certified Lifestyle Medicine Program. – ACLM Past President Cate Collings, MD, MS, FACC, DipABLM The Lift Project

Thumbnail Jumpstart Rlmi Logo 1 2024

ACLM is excited to recognize Rochester Lifestyle Medicine Institute’s 15-Day WFPB Jumpstart as a Certified Lifestyle Medicine Program. Jumpstart gives participants the knowledge, tools and motivation they need to completely change their lives through a scientifically proven whole-food plant-based approach to eating. – ACLM Past President Cate Collings, MD, MS, FACC, DipABLM

Home | Rochester Lifestyle Medicine Institute

Full Plate Living Provided By Ardmore Institute Of Health

Full Plate Living is a science-based nutrition improvement program provided as a free service by Ardmore Institute of Health. Full Plate Living helps people add more whole, unprocessed fiber foods to meals they’re already eating. It’s a small step approach that can lead patients and clients to big health outcomes. Full Plate Living – A doable approach to healthy living.

TrueNorth Health Center

ACLM is proud to recognize TrueNorth Health Center as a certified lifestyle medicine program. Its residential, intensive lifestyle medicine program has helped more than twenty thousand people truly change their lifestyle and the course of their disease. – ACLM President Beth Frates, MD, DipABLM, FACLM

TrueNorth Health Center | Optimum Health Starts Here (


Nudj Health’s innovative program provides the resources and tools to support clinicians in using a collaborative care model to implement evidence-based lifestyle interventions focused on all six pillars of lifestyle medicine. – ACLM President Beth Frates, MD, FACLM, DipABLM

Nudj Health