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AJLM Vol. 19. Issue 1

Most patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) do not meet guideline-driven exercise recommendations. Physical activity (PA) is any form of bodily movement via skeletal muscle contraction. It can include walking, gardening, leisure activity, exercise, or movement for transportation or an occupation. Aerobic and resistance exercise have been well studied and are known to improve glycemic control in patients with T2DM. While data is less substantial, low-intensity PA such as walking, yoga, tai-chi, qigong, and activity for household tasks have also been shown to be effective methods of reducing hyperglycemia. Additionally, PA to break up sedentary behaviors can also have glycemic benefits. Healthcare providers should encourage patients to increase their PA as a more sustainable means of meeting guideline-directed exercise and activity recommendations. Discussing these changes with patients involves identifying motivators, setting goals, removing barriers monitoring progress, and understanding the patient’s social support and environment.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Define the difference between exercise and physical activity 
  2. State the mechanisms by which physical activity improves blood sugar control 
  3. Recognize exercise recommendations to improve insulin resistance 
  4. List clinical recommendations to increase physical activity in patients with type 2 diabetes 
  5. Identify the reduction in hemoglobin A1c that is expected to occur with different types of exercise in patients with type 2 diabetes