After a successful career in computing that included serving as IT Director for BCBS in Virginia, Dr. John wanted to help change the practice of medicine so it would treat the causes of disease and not merely palliate the symptoms. Starting in 1993 at 45 years of age he went back to finish his college studies, majoring in biochemistry and molecular biology, and then in medicine and epidemiology, graduating with honors. 

He was Board-certified in General Preventive Medicine in 2004 and as a Lifestyle Medicine Specialist in 2018. He received the AMA Foundation Excellence in Medicine award as the founding President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine as a Young Physician in 2004. Since then, he has practiced as a LM Specialist in residential and outpatient LM settings, including telehealth; authored courses in LM including the official ACLM Board Review Course and the Reversing Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin Resistance course; established LM training programs and trained and mentored multiple LM physician leaders serving around the globe. 

Dr. John has been called “a LM missionary” by colleagues, and readily accepts that appellation, acknowledging that his goal as a physician has ever been to help change the practice of medicine for the benefit of all mankind. He says, “The practice of evidence-based lifestyle medicine, including a predominantly whole-food plant diet with consistent physical activity, sound sleep and the other LM pillars, can do more to help patients and providers enjoy life to the fullest, while helping preserve the environment and sustain the world economy, than any other thing I know of. The present medical system and its associated activities are unsustainable and must be changed.” 

Dr. John says he has no plans to retire. “Why retire from doing the things you love doing?!,” he asks. He says his career in LM has allowed him to meet and work with some of “the finest people on the planet.” He is still pioneering, now helping local faith congregations learn how to use LM to reverse disease for their members and communities, and how to use simple but effective home remedies like hydrothermal therapy. 

His present projects for ACLM/ABLM include chairing the Expert Panel expanding the Competencies for LM Specialists, and developing Recommended Clinical Outcome Performance Measures for LM Specialists. He is also involved in developing an online platform that makes it easy for any LM-certified clinician to practice effective Lifestyle Medicine, including training videos and a LM-enabled EMR with telehealth capability and a smart device interface.