Balanced Body Wellness Logo

Balanced Body Wellness provides digital and physical lifestyle habit tracking tools to help people improve their overall health and wellbeing. Emphasis is placed on sustainable habits with regards to nutrition, sleep, movement, stress reduction, and mental mindset. There are also areas to make note of social connections, as well as center a person’s “why?” for wanting to improve their health. The goal is to provide a clear focus on the most important aspects of a healthy lifestyle. When someone wants to improve their health, but doesn’t know where to start, we help make the answer clear and straightforward.


  • Check off servings of fruits/vegetables, protein, and healthy fats instead of tracking calories
  • Input sleep information, including quantity and quality, and get tips on how to improve their sleep routine
  • Track exercise, with a focus on enjoyable movement that is sustainable long-term
  • Relieve stress in a virtual Zen garden