Lifestyle Medicine Patient Handouts

What is lifestyle medicine? Lifestyle medicine uses six kinds of healthy behavior – a whole-food, plant-predominant eating pattern, regular physical activity, restorative sleep, stress management, avoidance of risky substances and positive social connections—to treat chronic conditions like heart diseases, stroke, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and multiple types of cancer.

What is a lifestyle medicine clinician? Lifestyle medicine certified clinicians are trained to use lifestyle to treat and reverse chronic disease. A clinician who is certified has passed an exam in lifestyle medicine practice.

What is ACLM? The American College of Lifestyle Medicine is the medical society providing education and certification to clinicians dedicated to the practice of lifestyle medicine as the first and foundational treatment option for patients.

Learn More about ALL Pillars

This one-page handout is an easy to read resource that outlines each of the six lifestyle medicine pillars.

Food As Medicine Jumpstart Guide

Work on moving along the Dietary Spectrum and incorporate more whole food, plant-based options with our 21-day Food as Medicine Jumpstart.

This guide will help you plan delicious and nutritious meals, build confidence in the kitchen and discover foods you truly enjoy.

Whole Food Plant-Based Sample Menu Plan

Learn to make easy, healthy, and low-cost whole food plant-based meals for every day of the week.

There are more free tools and resources available on our ACLM Connect platform. Create a free account or log-in to view and download materials.