Be part of the fastest-growing field of medicine!

ACLM’s annual conference is the premier Lifestyle Medicine event where attendees gather online and in-person to learn about the latest information in the field, connect with like-minded professionals, and explore lifestyle medicine-aligned products and solutions. 

Each year, a limited number of companies and organizations are invited to exhibit, joining a range of partners whose products, solutions and purpose are helping to shape the field. Participating companies and organizations undergo a vetting process for alignment with ACLM’s mission, standards, and the principles of lifestyle medicine, ensuring a top-quality experience for both attendees and sponsors. 

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Interested in joining us as a sponsor or exhibitor? Please fill out the Exhibitor Interest Form 


Thank you to our LM2025 Sponsors

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Thank you to our LM2024 Sponsors

Final 2024 Logo Block

Join our network of supporting partners.

In Person & Online

Save the Date  |  November 16 – 19, 2025
The Gaylord Texan, Dallas/Fort Worth

Every Fall, ACLM hosts the premier continuing education event focused on lifestyle medicine – the therapeutic dose of proper nutrition, regular physical activity, social connection, restorative sleep, stress management, and avoidance of risky substances.